Interior Waterproofing Services in New Jersey & Rockland County, NY
For over 15 years, Eastern Contractor Services has been waterproofing basements in the New Jersey and New York areas. We are continuously searching for the best products to deliver great results, which is why we now offer Hydro-Seal 75.
To learn more about our waterproofing services in NJ, NY, DE, or PA, give us a call toll-free at (866) 446-7858 or contact us online.
Hydro-Seal 75 is a two-component water-based epoxy that can withstand in excess of 40psi in federal testing. There is no coating available today that can successfully hold back hydrostatic pressure to the level of Hydro-Seal 75.
The odorless, solvent-free material is ideal to work with in tight areas or while the household is occupied, and the beautiful finish will brighten up any basement. Although applying Hydro-Seal is not a guarantee of a dry basement, it has proven to be very effective. We recommend that in those cases where water leakage is severe, an internal drainage system be installed. Working closely with our mason contractor, we can facilitate this part of the project on time and within budget.
Why Choose Hydro-Seal 75 for Your New Jersey Home?
The Hydro-Seal 75 mixture penetrates deep into the surface capillaries, which when totally cross-linked, serve as a water-insoluble lining on the sidewalls of the pores and voids in the substrate, making them water-repellant. This lining robs the water of its capillary action, preventing moisture from entering through the masonry.
A second coat, bonded to the previous coat, builds up sufficient density, cohesion and strength to render the surface pinhole-free and impervious to mass water penetration. On extremely porous surfaces, a third coat may be needed to touch up areas where porosity can still be seen.
Contact Us Today for Waterproofing Services in NJ & NY
To schedule your basement waterproofing services in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, or Delaware, give us a call toll-free at (866) 446-7858 or contact us online. Our north office can be reached directly at (973) 361-9505 and our south office can be reached at (609) 296-1159.